Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fire Gesture does not work in Firefox 3 (FF3)

Check if you have Drag and Drop add-ons. It conflict with Fire Gestures. Uninstall it, will be fine.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Alt F2

The 'Run Application" applet will vanish after you delete the gnome panel if you like avant so much. Just

apt-get install gmrun

Then set the the short cuts in ccsm
General Option->Commands
set Command line 0 : gmrun
Then go to tab Actions->commands
set Key alt F2, then cancel that in General
You also can set screen edge as Bottum Left.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hardy scim 输入法

I want to switch from fcitx to scim after I upgrade my system from Gusty to Hardy.

after install the scim package, do
im-switch -s scim -z default

However, scim may conflict with nautilus and opera, So you can't rename file and navigating by key.

do the following

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ubuntu Hardy heron ATI driver

When you see this post, there is no answser yet. My laptop is thinkpad T60 ATI Radeon X1300. I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy.

1. Using envyng, failed.
Envy helped me every time before this. But failed this time. I don't know why, because now I can't find where is the log file.

2. Catalyst driver 8.3, failed.
No success.

3. Default restricted driver in repository, sucess.
But it's slow.

Wait for more informations.